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Sinergia emocional

place Argentina

Creating emotionally healthy environments that enable meaningful learning.

The educational model in which many generations have been raised prioritized learning content. In this way we were educated to "do" and not to "BE". For this reason, an “education for life” is essential, which promotes the integral development of people in their social, cognitive and psycho-emotional skills.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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October 2022
"My gratitude for showing us the need to recreate, re-live, re-signify, revise, re-construct teaching practice and the way we relate to others ...." (2020)

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

We believe that the main factor of innovation in education continues to be human: the “educator” is the main actor of the paradigm shift. A “present”, empathetic, loving and compassionate educator who believes in his students and their potential. Our commitment is to provide self-knowledge tools that allow generating an emotional climate that enables meaningful learning.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Since 2020 it works only through training courses under the virtual modality from the "Sinergia" campus:
-Full attention in education (mindfulness).
- Re-Creo: time to think about the links in education.
- The health of the teacher from the perspective of systemic pedagogy.
- Cooperative games: spaces for creativity, coexistence and inclusion.
- The theater in the pedagogical scene.

Note: the complete programs are available at

The courses last 2 months. They are designed in weekly classes using different resources such as videos, synchronous meetings, reading material and exchange forums. Teachers and tutors accompany students throughout the process. Regarding the approval, a procedural instance and an integrating final one are foreseen.
The virtual modality allows the scalability of the project by enabling training from anywhere in the world.

How has it been spreading?

Fundación Sinergia Educativa is an organization created in 2014 and authorized by the General Inspection of Legal Persons of the Province of Santa Fe (Argentina), according to resolution No. 87/14.

We generate educational proposals that promote new ways of teaching and learning. They are linked to the following thematic areas, according to our objectives as an organization: education, emotional health, playful pedagogy, positive conflict resolution and creativity.

We generate trainings under the face-to-face, blended and virtual modalities.
Our Synergy in numbers:
- 5400 students
- 38 training proposals
- Students from 72 locations in the country

If I want to try it, what should I do?

The educational proposals are made from March to November of each year. Information on the 2022 offer can be found on the Fundación Sinergia Educativa website:

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