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Aanaab Showcase


In this Showcase, we focus on the work of Aanaab, and explore how Aanaab’s teacher professional development is positively impacting teachers and how they see this impact affecting their students. We aim to highlight the critical work being undertaken by Aanaab to address the challenge of the professional development gap for teachers, especially in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East and North African (MENA) region.


Allmnakrah, Alhasan, and Colin Evers. 2020. “The need for a fundamental shift in the Saudi education system: Implementing the Saudi Arabian economic vision 2030.” Research in Education 106, no. 1 (May): 22-40. 

Copestake, James, Marlies Morsink, and Fiona Remnant. 2019. Attributing Development Impact: The Qualitative Impact Protocol Case Book, Rugby: Practical Action Publishing.

Schleicher, Andreas. 2019. “PISA 2018: Insights and Interpretations.” OECD Publishing.

Zaalouk, Malak. 2021 “Teacher professional development in the Arab States during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, UNESCO.

Publication Date
June 19, 2023
Crystal Green
Cite this
Green, Crystal. Aanaab Showcase: Furthering Teacher Professional Development in Saudi Arabia and the MENA Region. Helsinki: HundrED, 2023.
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