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Student Leadership through Peer Learning

place India

Shaping Tomorrow’s Nation-Builders: Peer-Based Learning for Student Empowerment

Involve reimagines classrooms to ensure no student is left behind. We believe that every child deserves to be empowered with agency to thrive. Peer teaching is our innovative strategy. Here, senior students take on the role of mentors, guiding their peers towards improved learning outcomes. This collaboration cultivates leadership, ownership, confidence, and 21st-century agency for all.


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Target group
Students basic
May 2024
We envision students as active co-creators of their educational journey, valuing their voices in shaping the learning experiences. Entrusting them with leadership roles, we witness their remarkable ownership and camaraderie, as they strive to uplift their peers, and enhance learning outcomes. Nurturing student agency helps them thrive and navigate 21st century challenges confidently.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

ASER Reports show alarming education trends: 25% Grade 3 struggle in math, 20% in reading (2022); 25% 14-18 can't read Grade 2 texts (2023). With 50% job loss by 2025, 75% Indian youth entering workforce, urgent skill development is vital. Peer-based learning boosts learning outcomes; personalized attention, camaraderie enhance performance; peer teaching yields 15% rise in numeracy.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Our peer teaching initiative identifies student mentors for groups facing learning gaps. Leaders, identified through baseline assessments, guide at least four learners in hour-long daily sessions, tailored to simplify complex concepts. Sessions, facilitated by teachers, promote holistic development, nurturing confidence and leadership. Our programs focus on foundational numeracy and literacy, employing activity-based learning and innovative materials. Structured and intentional Peer Learning in classrooms boosts outcomes, particularly for lower quartile students, enhancing self-efficacy, leadership, and engagement. The use of this pedagogy is endorsed by NEP 2020 and Sarthaq Guidelines 2020, our peer-reviewed research shows a 15% increase in learning outcomes and 30-35% improvement in English fluency and reading. This initiative requires no extra investment, utilizing existing resources and supplementing the curriculum with engaging materials and characters like ‘Polly the Panda’.

How has it been spreading?

In the past six years, we've reached 200,000+ students in Karnataka, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh. Our aim: impact 50 million students in five years, bridging learning gaps for 21st-century challenges. Through our Government Scale Program, we partner with governments to enhance learning outcomes. Initiatives launched in Sambhal (UP) and Bhagalpur (Bihar) in 2023 reached 200,000 students across 2900 schools. In Bangalore, our Maargadarshi Program served over 4000 students in. Besides, we've expanded partnerships with five organizations, focusing on rural and vulnerable communities. Our inaugural peer-reviewed paper, "Promoting Personalized Learning," demonstrates the effectiveness of peer teaching. Student-led showcases across districts spotlighted leadership, impressing stakeholders.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Orientation: Clarify queries, gain buy-ins and raise awareness
Selection: Identify cohorts via assessments
Training: Familiarize leaders with topics
Mapping: Assign leaders to groups
Peer Teaching: Facilitate daily sessions
Monitoring: Ensure adherence to timetable
Reflection: Reflect on challenges
Assessments: Track progress
End-line Evaluation: Assess growth

Implementation steps

Orientation serves as a vital process aimed at raising awareness among stakeholders, encompassing both direct participants and indirect partners of the program, such as students and systemic stakeholders. Its primary objectives include fostering their understanding, securing their support, and communicating the program's expectations and anticipated outcomes effectively.
Selection involves precisely determining the number of Student Leaders and Learners who will partake in the program. This process ensures fairness, as Student Leaders possess a foundational grasp of the content and a genuine interest in the program, while Learners exhibit a keenness to acquire knowledge. The process unfolds in two phases: a Selection Test (baseline assessment in the relevant subject) and a Group Discussion (GD).
Training is crucial for program success. Student leaders, also learners, need knowledge, skills, and practice to teach confidently. This process equips them with essential components.
* A comprehensive understanding of the mentorship role, including its associated responsibilities.
* Proficiency in delivering content effectively.
* Techniques for managing the classroom environment adeptly.
Mapping is the method through which we pair specific Student Leaders with a designated group of learners for peer teaching activities. This phase holds significance as it strategically brings together learners and Student Leaders, taking into account their baseline scores and ratings from group discussions, to ensure that the process presents an appropriate level of challenge tailored to each individual.
Peer Teaching
Daily, Student Leaders and Learners convene in circles for hour-long sessions. Student Leaders mentor Learners in subjects through engaging, activity-based methods. They adapt their approach to diverse needs, ensuring participation and positive outcomes. This environment fosters holistic growth, knowledge exchange, progress evaluation, and leadership development.
Depending on the subject assigned to the Student Leaders, the project coordinator (PC) or teacher ensures that classes adhere to the established timetable and content plan devised by the Student Leaders. This monitoring process provides valuable insights into the teaching methods employed by Student Leaders and the learning progress of the learners, enabling necessary adjustments to improve learning outcomes.
PROCESS STAGE: IMPLEMENTATION (Leadership/Reflection Sessions)
Leadership/Reflection Sessions
As Student Leaders, their mission is to evolve as leaders through the dual process of teaching and learning. They reflect on actions, articulate challenges and successes, and cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset. Through tailored questions and activities, they grasp and apply concepts effectively in teaching. This fosters confidence and equips them to tackle classroom challenges, fostering mutual reflection and learning.
Following the peer teaching sessions of Student Leaders in various subjects, we conduct and document chapter-end assessments to evaluate the academic progress of learners. This data serves as a crucial aspect for collection and analysis. It informs decision-making regarding tailored need-based training, leadership sessions, and the feedback plan for the program.
End-line Evaluation
This evaluation occurs at the conclusion of the program, following the completion of all chapters taught by the Student Leaders to the learners, as well as their participation in all leadership and reflection sessions. Its purpose is to assess the overall growth and development of the students.
This occasion is a moment of pride for all involved, as we come together to celebrate the collective efforts of every student throughout this transformative journey. It's an opportunity to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of each Student Leader, recognizing how their roles have not only enhanced the learning experience for the learners but also fostered personal growth and development within themselves.

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