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Education for everyone in their mother tongue.

Our goal is to provide affordable education in students' native languages for 2 euros/month in developing countries. By incorporating AR/VR technology later, we enhance learning through classroom experience. The learning methodology is customized by teachers with their own cultural understanding & promotes easy retention using video, infographics, regional language & personal touch.


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Web presence






Target group
Students lower
May 2024
Through our innovation, we aim to see a transformation in education where barriers like language, accessibility, and administrative burdens are minimized. We envision a future where all individuals, regardless of background or circumstances, have equal access to quality education materials and resources. Education is a right for everyone is what we believe.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

A teacher in Gujarat teaching history was fired from his job. We helped him make an app as there is nothing for Gujarati language which has 55+M speakers. He saw 32K paid downloads in a year and we decided to make this for all possible languages and all type of education. Students included population from rural areas and mostly women. We knew there is a barrier to education and we need to break it

What does your innovation look like in practice?

In practice, Starklass offer a user-friendly digital platform accessible via native mobile apps and web browsers. Users can explore a vast library of educational content available in their native languages, ranging from interactive courses to immersive AR experiences. For example, a student learning history can use AR to virtually visit historical landmarks, engage with 3D models, and participate in interactive simulations. Educators benefit from AI-powered tools for effortless course creation and listing, streamlining the educational process. Starklass facilitates personalized and engaging learning experiences that transcend traditional boundaries, empowering learners to achieve academic success and pursue lifelong learning. More importantly our education is pocket friendly. We are trying to bring education to as low as 2 euros / month. We are catering to masses who have not heard about other edtech apps as they are not affordable.

How has it been spreading?

Starklass has been spreading primarily through strategic partnerships with educational institutes. By collaborating with schools, universities, and skill based insitutes, we've expanded our reach and accessibility to learners globally. To date, we've successfully onboarded 20 institutes, offering them access to our platform's diverse educational content and innovative features. These partnerships not only amplify our presence but also enable us to cater to the unique needs of diverse learner communities, facilitating our mission of breaking down language barriers and making education inclusive for all.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

To try Starklass, simply visit our website ( or download our mobile app from the Google Play Store. Sign up for a free account, explore our library of educational content, and experience the power of inclusive learning in your native language. Start your educational journey with Starklass today!

Implementation steps

Sign Up
Visit the Starklass website and sign up for an account as either a student or educator.
Explore Content
Once logged in, explore the available courses and educational content in your preferred language.
Select Courses
Choose the courses that align with your learning objectives or teaching needs.
Enroll in Courses
Enroll in the selected courses to gain access to the content and start learning.
Engage with Features
Take advantage of Starklass's innovative features, such as augmented reality (AR) simulations or AI-powered course creation tools, to enhance your learning or teaching experience.
Complete Courses
Progress through the courses at your own pace, completing assignments and assessments as required.
Provide Feedback
Share your feedback and suggestions with the Starklass team to help improve the platform and user experience.
Connect with Community
Engage with fellow students or educators within the Starklass community, participating in discussions, sharing insights, and collaborating on projects.
Track Progress
Monitor your progress and track your achievements within the Starklass dashboard, gaining insights into your learning journey.
Continue Learning
Continue to explore new courses and educational opportunities available on Starklass, expanding your knowledge and skills over time.

Spread of the innovation

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