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So-Well Colors - Social Well-being with different colors of the world


After the pandemic and the earthquake in February 2023, children don’t feel safe and have difficulty having healthy relationships with their friends, and they don’t like school. So-Well Colors activities like cultural and traditional dances and physical activities boost social interaction with their friends and family, in addition to improving children’s confidence, self-esteem, and mental health.


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Target group
Students basic
May 2024
Learning more about cultural traditional dances, meditation times, story times, and boosting self-esteem by using some acting is a holistic approach to student development that goes beyond academic achievement. I envision emotional Well-being: Incorporating activities like meditation and storytelling can help students develop emotional intelligence, resilience, and self-awareness.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Our school locates in a disadvantageous area and it is hard to maintain education and love the school so we created this innovation in our school to create a more positive school atmosphere and decrease the negative effects of social media, in addition to supporting mental health, preventing bullying and harassment, and promoting a more equitable and inclusive learning environment.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The activities are quite practical to apply both during the class, break times or after the lessons.

How has it been spreading?


If I want to try it, what should I do?


Implementation steps

Create a team
First of all, teacher create a new group or community in school which will be coming up together to discuss the activities and organize regular workshops on well-being.
Organize a workshop on cooking
The first workshop will be on cooking so that students will come up together with the guidance of their teacher and make a cultural cooking day and learn simple and healthy recipes both from their own culture and from other countries's cuisine.
Organize a workshop on physical activity
Learn a traditional dance of your own culture or learn a dance from a different country and perform it with the group and create a positive atmosphere and boost your cultural awareness while improving social and emotional well-being.
Promotion of healthy life styles in English
Students will create small groups, and they will be journalists and do research on the healthy lifestyles of famous people, promote their positive sides, and learn tips for improving their mental health.
Game time - to improve mental health
Game time: tell us a cultural and traditional game from your own country and share how can play it at our school.
Mindfulness meditation time in English all the school at the same time and day with partners.
Talking and playing with your friends in English in a healthy environment.
Find a new hobby, write about it in English and share your photo .
Music is universal and a vitamin for our body
Create a small music band with the available instruments at school, write a English song all together, and sing along at the end so that students can feel a sense of belonging and a team spirit which will help them to boos their self esteem and their confidence.

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