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Online Education Platform Called " Bondi Pathshala "

place Bangladesh

Not just the best one in online but also in offline

After the start of COVID -19 I started to miss my students when the idea hit me to make a sustainable education social business model called " Bondi Pathshala" ( where within next 8 months we gathered more than 3,00,000 students and right now we're a member of 5,00,000 peoples family .



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
January 2023
Affordable education for every child having skills and different language ,cultural knowledge by getting connected with all other students around the world.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Life is nothing but a sum of total hours ,days and years. After his death the true reality of life hit me. From my sixth grade till now I'd to give tuition to other students in order to help my family along with pursue my studies. So, from that day I'd made a promise to myself that nobody has to go through the sufferings that I'd to go.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Affordability to best education at the best cheap prize, all time monitoring ,using profit money for management and flood effected people.(Link:

How has it been spreading?

For this contribution , I was selected as the best 10 volunteers of 2020 by BYLC with the accordance of Netherlands Embassy and I have been selected as a talent for UNLEASH Innovation Lab 2022 from a pool of over 7,000 top international talents based on my knowledge, passion, and commitment to solving global challenges .

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Make sure to have a market analysis for finding the best teachers along with talented people more than you and a possible environment to make sure the most talented people can work together for always solving the problem to create an impact.

Implementation steps

Inclusion to platform
Either buy a premium course or see the courses for free who can't afford. Also can help others to get the courses available.

Spread of the innovation

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