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Librari- A Social platform for Gen Z to collaborate, learn, build community and showcase their skill

place India

Unlimited Fun & Learning

Librari is a Social platform for Gen Z to collaborate, learn, build community and showcase their skills/talents. At Librari, we are bridging the gap between Education and Entertainment thru our gamification.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
March 2023
Overall – in the greater avenues of our business proliferation, we wish to be the next big thing in online education. Our hallmark being short, engaging videos that one can watch anytime & anywhere. This format will likely take a fair portion of the educational market, forming an entirely new niche in the Edutech space. It’s very likely that Librari will become a market leader in that segment

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

- Gen Z grew up having any information they needed right at their fingertips. This led to Gen Z developing Short Attention Spans
- Social media usage by students is linked to decline in mental health
- Increase in risk of Cyber Bullying and exposure to inappropriate content amongst Gen Z

What does your innovation look like in practice?

-A community learning platform for GenZ's to collaborate and learn visually
- A safe app for GenZ's to create & share videos, participate in edutainment activities, build community, learn with peers and earn Librari coins
- Moderated expert and user curated content on academics and extra curricular categories

Performance of students improved by 10% on Monthly Tests
* - Based on the pilot run done at K-12 schools for a period of 60 days

How has it been spreading?

We currently have 75000 Users. MAU - 11k, User Engagement time - 15 Mins

If I want to try it, what should I do?

They can reach out by email -

Spread of the innovation

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