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Leadership For Equity

place India + 1 more

Helping Governments Deliver A Bright Future For All Children.

Our children's future is at risk. Lack of quality public education in India has endangered millions of futures as only 48.7% of educated youths are employable. To equip them for the future, we work in deep partnership with Governmental bodies to co-implement programs, co-create content, co-publish research, and co-evaluate growth to strengthen governance, system leadership and teacher education.


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April 2024
An equitable future is a bright future. Our work with Govts. will incorporate Future Readiness within the Public Education System by building Foundational Learning, 21st Century Skills, Life Skills and Digital Skills in our Students. This will lead to holistic growth in Student learning and reflect in their improved employability as adults, providing an opportunity for upward social mobility.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

50% of India's children lack foundational learning.
64.2% of all school-going children are educated by the public education system.
73.6% of Govt. School Students belong to caste minorities.

Despite innovative policies like RTE and NEP, lack of strong implementation has cost millions of children their futures. We support Govt. bodies in delivering programs and policies to build future-readiness.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We partner with State, District, and City-level Governments, reaching Students from urban, rural and tribal communities to build Future-Readiness at scale. How do we do it?

1. Enhance Educational Governance
- Co-Drafting Policies
- Consulting on efficient program delivery through PMUs
- Streamlining processes using technology to reduce costs and improve delivery

2. Empower System Leadership, i.e. Officers & Teacher Mentors
- Building management skills such as goal setting and strategic planning
- Upskilling leadership qualities such as collaboration and people management
- Picking up necessary tech skills to improve productivity

3. Strengthen Teacher Education
- Educating on effective pedagogy to improve teaching and classroom engagement
- Offering blended learning courses for continuous Teacher growth and professional development
- Creating resources for in-classroom support like Teaching Learning Materials and structured lesson plans.

How has it been spreading?

From exploring systems in 2015 by building teacher mentors in Pune to now co-implementing programs in 5 States, 12 Districts & 2 Cities, we have built a model that scales future-readiness.

So far, we've -

1. Impacted 8800+ System Leaders through 42 Co-Drafted Policies and 56 Co-Created Programs. Over the last 3 years, we saw 13.86% average learning growth of System Leaders.

2. Influenced 2.2 Lac+ Teachers through System Leaders and 122 learning days that were found useful by 95% of teachers.

3. Reached 8.8 Million+ Students through these initiatives. A Third-Party Assessment of our FLN project in Maharashtra reveals that Grade 5 Students have grown by 10% in Literacy and 24% in Numeracy.

By 2027, we aim to Impact 15 K+ System Leaders, Influence 450 K+ Teachers & Reach 15 M+ Students.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

To implement solutions for the educational crisis at scale, one needs to collaborate and work in tandem with the Government of any level.

1. Co-Implement Programs: Create and execute policies and programs

2. Co-Create Content: Deliver high-quality educational content

3. Co-Evaluate Growth: Enable data-driven decision making

4. Co-Publish Research: Build awareness and advocate about the crisis


Fostering 21st-century skills like critical thinking in government school students of Maharashtra. By incorporating state partnerships, cultivating educators, leveraging technology, and continuing to build on the grassroots proof points, we aim to build a scalable & affordable learning ecosystem for Computer Science Education in Maharashtra.
Upskilling Teacher Mentors to improve teaching-learning practices in primary school classrooms. Our urban reform project is co-implemented across municipal corporation schools in Pimpri Chinchwad. Through a structured approach, we support the officers in developing the necessary skills to guide schools and co-work with them to achieve academic goals and outcomes.
Partnering with our system leaders to empower and address the growing needs of our teachers. Ujjwal Karawande, HoD, English Language, State Institute of English, Aurangabad, helped us upskill our teachers. Through the spoken English course launched in Maharashtra, we impacted 2,60,000+ students, with a 25% increase in teachers' ability to teach English.
Capacity building of education officers with district reformation project in Nashik. Starting in 2018, the project expanded into 6 more districts in Maharashtra to strengthen teacher training and implement state-level education policies. Using a ‘training & co-working approach,' we build the capacity of officers to design & implement collaborative teacher development models.
Transforming the state’s education system by strengthening the quality of foundational learning. As the technical partner for Supporting Andhra’s Learning Transformation (SALT) project, we support creating high-quality blended learning courses and institutionalize a cadre of teacher mentors to provide classroom-level pedagogical support to teachers in collaboration with SCERT and DIETs.
Supporting SCERT Haryana’s Education Technology (ET) department for content curation. The Leadership Enhancement & Academic Development focuses on disseminating pedagogically relevant e-learning content on DIKSHA and the capacity building of state education officers. The project began in 2021 and has now been scaled across the State through Peer Learning Communities led by the DIETs.

Implementation steps

Identify your Government Partner
Choose the level of impact depending on their influence and role.
1. Senior Leadership Level: Focuses on framing guidelines, policies and frameworks for school education at the National Level (DSEL, NCERT, NIEPA & NCTE)
2. Middle Management Level: Responsible for the implementation and last-mile delivery.
- State Level: State DSEL, SSA & SCERT
- District Level: DEOs, DIETs, ZP/City admin.
- Block Level: BEOs and BRCs
- Cluster Level: CRCs & TMs
3. School Level: Teachers
Scope out the Problem
1. Conduct a detailed needs assessment of Officers, Teacher Mentors and Teachers in the system.
2. Depending on the results, generate a hypothesis for the problem.
3. Stay true to your organization's Theory of Change and ethos to deliver high-quality solutions.
4. Consider partnering with other organizations to get support on areas out of your expertise.
Create in Collaboration
To achieve scale, you need to work WITH the Govt. bodies which requires partnering with them at the ground floor. Walking in with a ready-made product may create issues as it excludes the key stakeholder of the solution, and a one-size-fits-all model will not yield the most effective results.
1. Hold brainstorming spaces with key officers
2. Co-Design Programs and Co-Draft Policies with these System Leaders
3. Root your programs and conversations in the learning and well-being of children
Act in Partnership
The intent of the program implementation needs to be rooted in 'WITH', not 'FOR' the Govt. Hence, at the implementation level, one must -
1. Co-Implement Programs through the Govt. bodies, i.e. at their location and with their people
2. Leverage existing structures so that a parallel and unsustainable solution is NOT implemented
3. Introduce best practices and tools that can be integrated with the system to meet the goals of the program
Listen to what the numbers are saying
You need to have clear data collection and evaluation protocols to help them learn about their stakeholders and become an effective and efficient public education system.
1. Set structures for monitoring the on-ground implementation with regular and rigorous data collection.
2. Collate the data and create clear dashboards that are easy to understand
3. Evaluate the data and present the findings to the Govt. body for making data-driven policy and implementation decisions.

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