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Developing Teachers Formation for Future of Education

Our mission is offer unique solutions for continuous teacher development through learning platform and our education content team. We launched Kanttum and SerProf Community where today its got ~100k educators applied and focus on really impact on results and improve education.


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Web presence






Target group
March 2021
Community SerProf provides for Education content about innovation, creative methodology and mentoring. It is a big community to learn, share ideas and impact the student with good pratices.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

There is a big opportunity to change education and improve the teachers carrier. Kanttum and SerProf want to develop a scaleable solution to get real impact inside of classroom and for all community of school.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We launched Kanttum Education and SerProf Community where today its got ~100k educators applied. There is a free access for teachers and one product developed for schools (K12).

SerProf works with learning process through online programs, education specialist meeting, workshop weeks (as a TED), ebooks, infographics and self evaluation.

Also there is a mentoring program for teachers where it is a kind of customization for develop and improve the results in the classroom.

All Solution is online so scaleable to impact Brazil and any country that we will started sales connection and branding growth.

Kanttum Education works as white label projects and it is helping big educational groups with teachers development programs by LMS (Learn Management Systems). Today Kanttum Platform impacts ~100k teachers and ~1,5k schools.

How has it been spreading?

We got until now 12k educators on free platform and ~100k teachers on product for schools. Moreover Kanttum is investing to improve IT Team (Lean Methodology) and develop marketing and sales department to increase customer approach and finance result.

Kanttum was elect one of 100 most innovate Educational Startups in Latam by Holon IQ.
Kanttum was elect one of 3 most scalable Educational Startups in Brazil for GESA (Global Edtechs, Startups Awards)

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Apply on our website and browsing our content also you can ask a meeting with our consultant team.

Spread of the innovation

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