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Internet Free Education Resource Bank (IFERB)

Ensuring learning continuity in low-resource contexts.

The essence of IFERB is learning from and with the world around you. IFERB provides 500+ project, game, and activity-based learning resources that are cost-free, technology-free, interdisciplinary, and student-led. It has led to increased learning outcomes for 6.5 million users in 14+ countries through holistic, accessible, and discovery-based learning in low-resource and crisis settings.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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June 2024
The essence of IFERB is learning from the world and the child’s context. Its versatility allows users to implement resources and mechanisms that are tailor-made to their needs.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

465 million children worldwide could not be reached through online learning during the pandemic and their education was severely disrupted. Lack of screen-free resources and limited parental supervision were added barriers. Existing learning options were often inaccessible and didactic. IFERB was created to ensure high-quality, relevant, engaging, and tech-free learning continuity amidst crisis.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

IFERB features over 130+ week-long project-based learning resources, 100+ Math games, 50+ activities for children with special needs, 200+ Arabic storybooks, and 15+ monthly learning packages. It also hosts unique modules that cater to the specific educational and socioemotional needs of children from specific emergency contexts including Ukraine, Afghanistan and Palestine.
IFERB has catered to marginalized learners through a variety of It leverages community members to facilitate learning. IFERB is designed for multiple modalities (remote, blended, stand-alone, etc.) and use cases (catch-up, bridge, accelerated learning, refugee response, etc.).
Partners select, translate, and implement the open-source resources that are relevant to their context. EAA supports pilot projects through trainings, funding, MEL tools and frequent check-ins. Capacity building happens for all- teachers, communities, organizations, and learners.

How has it been spreading?

IFERB has reached 6.5 million+ learners in 14+ countries who demonstrated almost 20% learning progress with minimal supervision and resources. 70% of the partners have sustained the solution independently even after the pilot ended. To support organizations to implement IFERB without IDD's support, the IFERB+ Toolkit will be available on the website with all the required tools (reports, MEL, training, etc.). IFERB will conduct an external impact report of the solution and aims for government accreditation in 3 countries.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

All the IFERB resources can be downloaded for free from the Innovation Development's site: To implement IFERB through partnerships or for access to backend tools, reach out to the Innovations Development Directorate at EAA via email:


Learners from our pilot partner Vidyalaya Udyam created their own contactless hand sanitizers after implementing the project “Our House Rules to Keep COVID-19 Away”.
Learners from our partner Save the Children Sudan using the IFERB project “My Place Value Machine”. Learners created their own place value machine-using local resources like thread and paper. 
Learners from our partner Save the Children in Sudan using the IFERB project “ID Cards” to make ID Cards for themselves.
Learners from our pilot in India, creating their own restaurant using the project “Pop-up Restaurant”.
Our pilot partner Zambia Open School Community (ZOCS) conducting a teacher training session to support teachers in the implementation of the IFERB resources. 
Our learner, Firas Kousa, from the Lebanese Learning Alternative, is displaying his Family Tree from the project “Family Tree Project”.
EAA’s partner, rZamba from the Mantra for Change Rural Consortium, organised a session between learners and facilitators to implement the IFERB materials in Kargil, India.
Learners in India, using the “Flood management” project to create a model of a community, which is used to help them learn about the impact of floods.
A classroom of learners from our partner, EduTab in Kenya, are displaying their work from the “Make Your Own Poem” project. 
One of our learners, from Teach for Morocco, is displaying her ‘animal farm’ that she created using the project “Animal Park”. 
Learners from our pilot in Sudan with Save the Children. 
A learner from our partner Dignitas, used the “Set Up Your Own Store” project to create a price board and start her own store. 
Learners from our partner Edutab in Kenya are creating models of a plant using the “Adventures in the Plant Kingdom” project in their classroom. 
A facilitator from Dignitas in Kenya, sharing resources from the Internet Free Resource Bank (IFERB) with learners in the community.
One of our learners from our partner Mantra4change in India displaying her drawing from the project “Paper Figures”. 
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