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Flipped Roles

Autonomous and meaningful learning through gamification

Educational practice based on the exchange of roles between student and teacher, at the time of designing, solving and assessing tests, tasks and activities. Flipped Roles implies that the teacher becomes the subject of the assessment; the proposal generates confusion and interest in the students, and encourages them to want to challenge their teacher.


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November 2018
Innovation achievement award and Best education practice for Baccalaureate education level. Institución Educativa SEK (Madrid, Spain). November 2016.

About the innovation

The teacher is tested

While in class, the students are asked to design a test or activity for the teacher to be the one who will be assessed. During this process, the teacher can identify (and also assess) students’ knowledge and skills, the relationship between this knowledge and those skills, and the understanding of the terms of instruction as well as the assessment criteria involved in the task.

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