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Esports for Fact Checking

Bridge to Make Thinking Visible Online

Bridging is a new knowledge sport whereby students compete in connecting evidence to claims for important news as part of media literacy training and students collaborating in protecting the community from misinformation and disinformation. Seeing how students connect evidence to claims helps teachers evaluate student comprehension, learning needs, and academic progress.


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Target group
September 2021
A bridge is a conceptual deep link in the annotation space on the web that provides insight, context, clarity and neutrality and thus is the best solution we have for false information in the news.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation? is capitalizing on their new internet technology design known as the Overweb — a trust layer over the current web — to implement bridges, conceptual deep links in the annotation space of the web that provide insight, context, clarity, and neutrality on the web. The ubiquity of the web has become so widespread that all internet users could greatly benefit from the ability to ensure that

What does your innovation look like in practice? is a knowledge esports platform for building and curating knowledge by connecting claims and evidence on the web. Teachers set up challenges for students in a media topic area. Competing in a specific challenge, participants identify claims in a topic area and search for contradictory or supporting content. Using the Presence browser overlay which is currently available as Chrome browser extension, participants create bridges that connect contradictory evidence to false claims, and submit these bridges to challenges to be eligible to win prizes.

How has it been spreading?

The main achievement has been to get built. We are just starting Fall 2022 to get pilots in classrooms.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Please reach out to to join our pilot program.

Spread of the innovation

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