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Students can finally check every step of their own math solution and learn from their mistakes

eMathStudio addresses the biggest problem in today's math education, the broken feedback loop. It has an automatic checker that can check students' calculations step-by-step. It shows the students their mistakes, so they can correct some themselves, as well as everything they did correctly giving them confidence to carry on and ask specific questions where they need help.


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Target group
June 2019
"Math is about reasoning, solving problems and logically moving from one step to another. These skills are essential in life. And as a digital society, we really can't afford to not understand math"

About the innovation

Learning math should not be a privilege

What we do?

We are a team of teachers, mathematicians, computer scientists and parents, who are devoted to making math more understandable and pointing math education in a better direction. We have combined our revelations in eMathStudio, a learning platform featuring digital math notebooks where students can check their own assignments automatically and teachers can grade homework with one click. It gives teachers and students the chance to focus on learning, with all the advantages that immediate personal feedback brings with it. While other math applications focus on drilling, learning patterns, and telling you how to solve a problem, eMathStudio looks at your solution, and not just the answer, every step of the solution, the way you solved it, and tells you where you have calculated correctly and where you might have made a mistake. It is a student's personal tutor, a teachers helper and a parents dream.

Why we do it?

We believe that everybody should have a chance to learn math. Good grades in math often opens up doors to further education and decently paid jobs. In math everything builds on the previous steps, so missing something means it is difficult to ever catch up. We see that this can be prevented with the help of immediate personal feedback. No teacher has the time to check all solutions, but the automatic checker does have that time and makes it possible to give that personal feedback to everyone anytime.

Implementation steps

Step 1

Log in and register. You will get access to the student role and tools.

Please contact us, if you would like to try the teacher tools and view our eMath content.

Step 2

We will create material for you, that you can use directly in class. Based on what you next lessons are.

Please, also schedule a demo with us, so that you can get started easily.

Step 3

Register your students. Let them start with doing the "Trainer" cards, so that they learn to navigate in eMathStudio.


eMathStudio will give you insights on where your students are having problems. It is suddenly possible to get an overview over all assignments of a class 100 students. And at the same tim look into the details of each every solution.

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