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AudioClass System

Accelerated learning everywhere for children and youth in Colombia

AudioClass System is an innovative educational program that uses AI-generated chatbots on platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram to provide an accelerated 27-week curriculum for grades 6-7. It aims to prevent Venezuelan adolescent migrants and refugees in Colombia from falling behind or dropping out of school. ACS is accessible on any device and is implemented in partnership with local government.


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Target group
Students lower
April 2023
We envision a future where every child in crisis receives a quality education and achieves learning outcomes. Technology can be smart in the cloud, but simple, accessible and personalized to reach students in meaningful and engaging ways.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

244MM children are out of school. Many of these children, such as the Venezuelan refugee students in Colombia or girls displaced by conflict in NE Nigeria, belong to groups that have traditionally been denied access to education. There’s a lack of low-cost, interactive education for learners in crises. The humanitarian sector is in dire need of breakthrough education solutions that reach scale.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

AudioClass (ACS) is our first step in this low-tech pursuit to move towards more personalized education models. Currently, ACS provides students with learning content in various formats with an accelerated curriculum that reduces a regular learning year to half the time and provides an alternative to access quality education. Among the particularities of ACS is that it was designed by understanding the teachers, learners, and caregivers needs in humanitarian settings, particularly for Venezuelan refugees and host communities.

We are currently running a pilot with some preliminary findings indicating a) easy onboarding process, b) early and fast adoption, c) a better understanding of curriculum content, and d) good engagement rates.

The goal is to make this program into multiple languages, adapting to countries’ curriculum requirements, and accessible to other international NGOs, UN, school systems, etc, providing education to children affected by crises.

How has it been spreading?

ACS is being piloted for grades 6-7 curriculum in three cities: Medellin, Soacha, and Cali. ACS has developed 27 weeks of lessons based on Colombia's national flexible model (an accelerated curriculum) and has reached over 1,100 students through schools, community centers, and outreach programs. The use of the platform has contributed to the student’s sense of confidence and increased retention rates. A live dashboard enables teachers to track learners' progress and follow-up individually with them.

We’re currently expanding ACS to include grades 8-9, strengthening the AI model and NLP-based interactions. The goal for the next 2-3 years is to explore the bring your own device (BYOD) model and to reach 350,000 students by 2025.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

To learn more about AudioClass System and the EdTech solutions we are currently working on, please contact Atish Gonsalves, Research and Innovation Lead for Education, or Sheila Burkhardt, Digital Strategist for AudioClass,

Implementation steps

Teacher activiation
We suggest approaches to incorporate ACS into teaching practices, but do not impose anything. Some teachers will share an overview of a topic and then give student instructions to start using ACS for individual work. Afterwards, they will work in groups or around tables to share thoughts, questions, and ideas.
Access ACS on your mobile device or tablet
Tablet: Adjust settings so ACS is registered in the WhatsApp application. Mobile Phone: Add the ACS number as a contact.
Open the Whatsapp App
Search ACS in your contacts and type something to get started.
Follow the directions on the screen.
Logged in: the bot will ask you some questions.
If you are using ACS for the first time, you will need to provide some information to enroll an activate your account. If you had previously registered, then log in using your tuition number.
Menu of Options
Select the option to start lessons from the beginning or re-take an assignment. If you are re-taking lessons, the bot will continue where you had previously left off during your last session.
Multiple lessons available
You will take each lesson in a variety of engaging formats such as written content, images, and audio. The system includes three different “teacher” avatars per topic. Each of these characters have their own tone and “personality.” They will introduce themselves at the beginning of the learner's school year/grade. Learners will progressively link them with each topic. Evaluations and tests are available for each lesson.
Logging back in to continue ACS
To log in again and continue the learning journey with ACS, the learner must enter “the contact” information. The learner will continue where they left off.

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