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Spotlight 2020

In an age of rapid innovation, technological advance, and ongoing change, children need a diverse set of skills to navigate unpredictable dilemmas and novel opportunities – both in life and in work. That is why creativity skills are essential now more than ever.

In partnership with The LEGO Foundation

Spotlight: Creativity

Sir Ken Robinson’s 2006 TED talk “Do schools kill creativity?” was a clarion call that sparked a groundswell of support to foster creativity, which has since become central to discussions around school change globally. The question is how we can make this happen. HundrED and The LEGO Foundation have teamed up to answer that question by shining a Spotlight on 20 leading innovations fostering creativity in the world today.

Important dates

Keep up-to-date on this project and its key dates

Phase 1: All innovations gathered


Phase 2: Shortlist created


Phase 3: Academy Member review period started


Phase 3: Academy Member review period ended


Phase 4: Selection workshops started


Phase 4: Selections made and innovations notified


Innovations revealed at our Innovation Summit

