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20.4.2019 |

When It Comes To Teaching, Relationships Matter | HundrED Innovation Summit

Relationships between students and passionate teachers will always be the foundation of successful classrooms. Even one hundred years from now, that will be the same, says Kayla Delzer.

We were delighted to have Kayla Delzer, all the way from Fargo, USA, give the closing words at the HundrED 2019 launch in Helsinki. Watch the video to hear the full talk, with an inspiring call to action and tangible advice on things you can try in your own classroom, no matter where you are in the world.

“We know that teachers are in the front line and make all the difference between the students that succeed and the students who don’t. I’ve found a few different ways to help students to succeed, and It all comes down to relationships.”

“I gave my first TED Talk in 2013, and I talked about a lot of things –  flexible seating, classroom design and technology integration. But the number one thing that was quoted was the power of relationships.”

“We can have all the latest technology and the latest and greatest in classroom design, but if we don’t have adults in the building that truly care about those kids, we’ll fall short of our hopes and dreams for those students.”

“Relationships come first, that’s the mantra we’ve been putting into place in our building these past few years. Relationships between students and passionate teachers will always be the foundation of successful classrooms. Even one hundred years from now, that will be the same.”

“Adult behaviors impact student learning in the classroom. Every single interaction matters. I’m talking about interactions that take 3-5 seconds. At our school, the bus driver says their name and greets them as they get on the bus each morning. When they arrive someone greets them warmly, the lunch lady knows their name. By the time they come to my classroom, I should be at least the fifth warm interaction they’ve had that morning. The science says the number of positive interactions those kids have impacts how much they’ll learn in my classroom later on.”

“We can’t control the type of morning those kids will have at home, but we can control every interaction we have with them in our classrooms and in our school.”

Find out how Kayla makes sure every child LOVES coming to class, and hear the tangible things that you can implement in your own classroom, no matter where you are in the world….


