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9.4.2021 | Katija Aladin |

What are the most essential parent actions that empower children to become independent learners?

In our Community Conversation on Parental Engagement with Dr. Tyler Thigpen, we discussed the importance of parents as a key stakeholder in education as it relates to his experience as the Head of the Forest School, a 21st century micro-school—grades K-12—with learner-driven technology, Socratic discussions, hands-on projects, and real-world apprenticeships in an intentionally diverse community.

In our Community Conversation on Parental Engagement with Dr. Tyler Thigpen, we discussed the importance of parents as a key stakeholder in education as it relates to his experience as the Head of the Forest School, a 21st-century micro-school—grades K-12—with learner-driven technology, Socratic discussions, hands-on projects, and real-world apprenticeships in an intentionally diverse community.

A Community Conversation is a collaboration between HundrED and a community partner centered around a theme in education. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together our global community with outside networks and create a space for honest and real discussion with various education stakeholders. Our unique format grounds the topic, incites discussion, reflection, and genuine conversation, participants leave with new connections and key takeaways to bring back to their local context. In case you missed it, here’s what you need to know!

Quick Breakdown 

Dr. Tyler Thigpen, Co-founder & Head of School of The Forest School, shared some key insights on parent actions that empower children to become independent learners. You can find his slides here & the recording below.

We then went into break-out rooms to discuss the question: 

“In your experience, what are the most essential parent actions that empower children to become independent learners?”

We closed it off with a group reflection and heard from parents, caregivers, and students from the Forest School. Check out the recording below. 

The Community Conversation at a Glance 

Who joined? 

This conversation brought together education stakeholders from educator, researcher, schools leader, innovator to parents joining from over 18 countries across 3 continents. 

Thoughts & Takeaways 

"We mostly had the same situations and the same outlooks on different situations relating to parental involvement. We all have great respect for the parents and it is the understanding that the parents also need to trust us as the professionals that we are."

"The importance of cultivating trust with both students and our own children, this point was made across three different countries - Thailand, Ukraine and the US. It was stressed in our group that this will allow our learners (or children) to take risks and build their own sense of confidence."

"The importance of sharing our learning and failing as adults. How parents might engage with a school through extracurricular community inspiration, how our school systems see parents and schools as traditionally separate entities."

Continue the conversation with the HundrED Community 

If you are passionate about innovation in education and being part of this movement in your country. Join the HundrED Ambassador Community to connect with thousands of education stakeholders from around the world working together to bring positive change to education. 

No matter how much (or little) time you have, the HundrED Ambassador Community offers you the chance to develop both personally and professionally on a local and global scale.

Join the movement!
