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31.10.2019 | Katija Aladin & Pukhraj Ranjan |

We Are Prepped And Fully Booked For The 2019 HundrED Innovation Summit!

We are exactly a week away from the HundrED Innovation Summit and we are completely sold out! With a star-studded lineup of inspirational speakers across various fields, participants from all around the world and world-class event locations, this year's HundrED Summit is set to be bigger and better than ever before. Read on for insider insights on all things HundrED Summit!

We are a week away from the HundrED Innovation Summit and we are completely sold out! With a star-studded lineup of inspirational speakers across various fields, participants from around the world and world-class event locations, this year's HundrED Summit is set to be bigger and better than ever before. Read on for insider insights on all things HundrED Summit! 


The countdown is officially on at HundrED HQ, as we anticipate the arrival of our inspiring HundrED innovators, funders, partners, ambassadors, youth ambassadors, and distinguished guests.  This year at the HundrED Innovation Summit, you can expect many new features as well as incredible announcements that we can’t wait to share.

Saku Tuominen, Chairman & Creative Director of HundrED of HundrED, is thrilled to get the conversations started, 

Spreading innovations such as Dream a Dream, Speed School or Design For Change across borders can be a gamechanger for education, worldwide. We will continue to encourage as many stakeholders as possible including schools, educators, administrators, students and organizations to get involved so that we can work towards a positive future.


This year, we will be awarding 4 prizes to the new members of the HundrED Community: 


  1. HundrED Innovator of the Year Award,

  2. HundrED Ambassador of the Year Award, 

  3. HundrED Youth Ambassador of the Year Award

  4. HundrED Youth Choice Award! (This award will be chosen by the HundrED Youth Ambassadors present in Helsinki for the first-ever HundrED Youth Summit!)


We also have some big announcements coming up!

3 HundrED Spotlights and a few more initiatives will be launched across the 3-day event with the aim to further help our innovators and funders community to scale their work and impact more students! 


If you are in Helsinki, join us at the HundrED 2020 Global Collection Launch at ISENSE-Tennispalatsi on Wednesday, 6th November. Find more information and the registration link here.

If you are not, you can still watch the Livestream of the entire summit at


Looking forward to seeing you there! T-Minus 5 days and counting! 

