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14.1.2021 | Mariah O'Mara and Katija Aladin |

The HundrED Community 2021 – A look at the ride so far and the road ahead!

Over the past 4 years, we have made inspiring connections, discovered amazing education innovations, and overcome challenges together. We are excited to continue this journey together in 2021 and to increase the number of opportunities to connect with the HundrED Community and to capitalize on the knowledge of this global network. When we work together there is no stopping us. So full steam ahead!

The HundrED Community consists of thousands of education changemakers. From the very beginning, the power of HundrED has always come from them, the HundrED Community. It is their enthusiasm, thoughtful expertise, and positivity that has helped us to accelerate change in education through innovation. Over the past 4 years, we have made inspiring connections, discovered amazing education innovations, and overcome challenges together. 

We are excited to continue this journey together in 2021 and to increase the number of opportunities to connect with the HundrED Community and to capitalize on the knowledge of this global network. When we work together there is no stopping us. So full steam ahead!

The Start of a New Chapter

This year we welcome our new Head of Community, Katija Aladin. She has worked on the HundrED research team for the past 2 years, connecting with our Innovators, and she is looking forward to connecting with the larger HundrED Community in this new role. Katija has worked closely with the wonderful Pukhraj Ranjan, who started this powerful movement and led such a vibrant and enthusiastic group of inspiring individuals. Katija is excited to embark on this journey with you and continue to build on the solid foundation that has been set!

What can you expect to see from HundrED in 2021? 

  1. You can expect to connect with your local HundrED Country Lead and build genuine relationships with the HundrED Community members in your country/region. 
  2. Opportunities to host a HundrED GLocal and bring together your local innovative education network and our global innovators to inspire a collaborative movement to accelerate change in education. 
  3. Invitation-only networking sessions available exclusively for the HundrED Community – see below the invitation to January 2021 networking sessions! 
  4. HundrED media articles created for the community by the community, highlighting the power of collaboration and connections to spark positive change in education 

Invitation to the First Community Meet-Up of 2021

Inviting all HundrED Community members to the first networking call of 2021! This quick 30-minute meet and greet will be fun and dynamic offering you the chance to meet other HundrED Community Members from around the world! Using the icebreaker platform you will be paired with 4 different community members and have 4-6 minutes to get to know one another. The intention is to put a face to the community and make meaningful connections. You never know where it could lead. To facilitate multiple time zones, 2 sessions will be held. Feel free to join one or both depending on your schedule. 

HundrED Community Meet-up Session 1

HundrED Community Meet-up Session 2 

Please note, you will receive a link to the session 1 day prior to the event. 

Overview of the HundrED Community 

The intention of the HundrED Community is to bring together passionate educational stakeholders from around the world with the vision and desire to improve education with innovations. Through our platform, we offer the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and learn about innovative practices happening in education globally. This diverse group of education stakeholders includes:

  • HundrED Innovators: trailblazers transforming the world of K12 education through their impactful and scalable work. These include selected innovators recognised by HundrED Research in the Global and Spotlight Collections. 
  • HundrED Country Leads: our newest and most prestigious group of Ambassadors. HundrED Country Leads work closely with the HundrED team to engage and grow their local Ambassador communities. We are currently in the midst of selecting new Country Leads for the 2021 year. If you are currently a HundrED Ambassador, please do connect with your HundrED Country Lead to receive the most up to date and relevant information for your context. If your country does not yet have a Country Lead feel free to reach out to a Country Lead near you or the HundrED Team directly. 
  • HundrED Ambassadors: a thriving global community of education stakeholders passionate about bringing change through innovations in K12 education. This voluntary network comprises over 730+ teachers, school principals, education consultants, professors, parents and students from over 100 countries. 
  • HundrED Youth Ambassadors: young change-makers, passionate about education. They are the future innovators of the world, excited to lead the movement and shape the future of education. This inspiring group of young people will be integral to our research process in 2021. 

Additional details on ways to engage will be shared with relevant communities as they come up. If you have any questions, please do feel free to reach out to Katija Aladin at
