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24.12.2020 | Mariah O'Mara |

Reflections on 2020 from HundrED

As we head toward New Year’s Eve — the celebration of the end of 2020 (good riddance!) — we want to take a moment to thank you for inspiring us this year. We have watched in awe as you discovered new solutions to enrich teaching and learning.

As we head toward New Year’s Eve — the celebration of the end of 2020 (good riddance!) — we want to take a moment to thank you for inspiring us this year. You have tested new skills, pushed boundaries, advanced learning in profound ways. And although, we are all ready for this year to be over. We would like to take this opportunity to reflect on just how far we have come. 

The Year in Review 

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HundrED Spotlights 

This year, we have completed or are in the process of conducting a total of 7 Spotlights - our most ever in one year! We have also just announced one more Spotlight for 2021 on transforming teacher professional development, which is currently accepting submissions. Click the images below to learn more about this year's Spotlights. 

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HundrED Community 2020

In 2020, we saw our Community grow with our Innovator Community representing innovations from over 115 countries; and almost 700 Ambassadors from more than 100 countries!

This year we introduced the HundrED Country Lead Program, with 19 Country Leads from 17 countries in the pilot program, which has been so successful that we are currently in the process of expanding next year! And in order to meet demand, we have also decided to expand our Youth Ambassador Program! Applications are still open, the deadline to apply is January 11th, 2021.  Learn more and apply. 

Most Read Articles 

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"The media keeps throwing out the phrase “social distancing,” which makes me cringe. Physical distancing is necessary to avoid spreading the germs; I know that by “social distancing,” experts mean not getting too physically close to one another, especially in crowded places. But what we desperately need is social connecting. We need to take care of each other – and I mean on a global scope." 

“Social Distancing” is the Wrong Phrase

Physical distancing is necessary to avoid spreading the germs; I know that by “social distancing,” experts mean not getting too physically close to one another, especially in crowded places. But what we desperately need is social connecting. We need to take care of each other – and I mean on a global scope.

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“I always feel so proud, seeing children grow and get excited about learning new things. Also, when you work with children, you get to release your inner child, which is wonderful”

The Magic Of Early Childhood Education

In this article, we're talking early childhood education and highlighting the importance of the first years in a child's life. With the increase in research on the benefits of early childhood education, let's bring it back to the practice and read what the HundrED 2020 innovators find magical about the foundational years. 

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“We’ve only been able to achieve this thanks to those who have been brave enough to follow their hearts and instincts, along with those who have worked hard alongside us, to make this happen."

Green School Becoming A Global Movement With Their New School In New Zealand

The first overseas addition to the Green School Network and family of schools, Green School New Zealand is founded by former Green School Bali parents, Michael & Rachel Perrett. The Green School way of learning how to be a changemaker and have a positive impact on the world sparks a passion for learning that further allows young people to thrive in a purposeful manner. 

HundrED Events


HundrED 2020 Innovation Summit

This year we hosted our first-ever totally virtual HundrED Innovation Summit received almost 10,000 views with attendees joining us from over 105 countries! Our speakers hailed from over 30 countries and covered a range of topics on global education. The full event is available on-demand now. 

“By far, one of the most vibrant and brilliantly produced showcases and dialogues on the best innovations in education right now.”- HundrED Innovator, UK

HundrED GLocals

This year, our community hosted HundrED GLocals in London (UK), Helsinki (Finland), four in Brisbane (Australia), one in Kuwait, two in Hong Kong, and have one already lined up New Delhi (India) for next year! 

Thank you for being part of this community and for all that you have done this year, both for yourself and for others. We hope that next year we can continue to work together to help every child flourish in live - no matter what happens. 
