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30.11.2019 | Chris Petrie & Katija Aladin |

Overview Of The HundrED 2020 Global Collection

November 6th marked the launch of our third HundrED Global Collection. With this new collection of leading innovations in education, you can expect to find a wider range of themes and categories that best highlight the needs and skills for children to flourish today. We also focused on a more global representation with innovations from every continent.

November 6th marked the launch of our third HundrED Global Collection. With this new collection of leading innovations in education, you can expect to find a wider range of themes and categories that best highlight the needs and skills for children to flourish today. We also focused on a more global representation with innovations from every continent. 

The task of curating a collection of 100 inspiring innovations in education is not easy. There is a multitude of amazing ideas and practices being used around the world. From our research, we know that the world is already full of impactful and scalable innovations in education. Unfortunately, most educators in the world do not know about the best innovations on a global level, especially the ones outside of their local area. We aim to help change this through our Global Collection, which is renewed each year. The annual Global Collection highlights 100 of the brightest innovations in K12 education from around the world to anyone for free. Now in our third Collection, the goal is to inspire a grassroots movement by helping pedagogically sound, ambitious innovations to spread across the world. We evaluate each innovation for its impact and scalability based on the latest information and from multiple perspectives (e.g., perspectives from teachers, students, leaders, innovators, and more). For example, to help inform our selection process this year, a total of 2008 reviews were made by our expert Academy Members. We hope that this Collection will contribute to our mission at HundrED so that every child has the opportunity to flourish in life.


Insights from the HundrED 2020 Global Collection 

The global collection is a compilation of education innovations that address 5 categories: Teacher re-education, leadership, skills, assessment & learning environments. We believe that it's important to cover these catgories as they are representative of the key areas in education. We also focus on a range of abilities and skills that cover the wide spectrum of skills needed to suceed in the unforseeable future. Check out some of the insights from the HundrED 2020 below! 

  • 71% Target the development of 21st century skills – as defined by The Future of Education and Skills 2030 report by the OECD (2018)
  • 36% Require digital devices to augment learning
  • 28% Require the internet
  • 25% Use pedagogical approaches that involve playful learning
  • 24% develop traditional academic skills
  • 13% develop vocational skills
  • 36% develop holistic skills like empathy, mindfulness, etc.
  • 73% innovations are non-profit (27% are for-profit)
  • 53% of innovations are implemented in out-of-school contexts (47% to be implemented in school)


Current impact & spread of the HundrED 2020 

75 054 972 Users of all the selected innovations combined
10.72 average number of countries an innovation has spread to.


We greatly admire the hard work that these innovators are doing and think everyone should know about them. Both the research team and the HundrED Academy were extremely humbled by the wide range of innovations discovered this year and we think you will be too. Let’s celebrate and help them to improve education globally together!


Check out the HundrED 2020 Global Collection  & download the full report for more insights! 
