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5.8.2019 | Pukhraj Ranjan |

Our Youth Ambassadors Have Questions For You! Join Us For Our International Youth Day Twitter Chat

Our HundrED Youth Ambassadors are taking the lead to raise some key questions for the HundrED Community! We will be sharing some questions from our young ambassadors on our next Twitter Chat for the International Youth Day! Join us on Monday, 12th August 2019 at 1000 UTC!

Over the course of August, we are focusing on the theme of "Students Taking The Lead" across our media platforms. HundrED's Youth Ambassadors looking to engage with our education innovations community have shared a few questions we believe educators & adults need to answer! Join us on this Twitter Chat where we will be exploring questions like "How can educators and adults help students take control of their own education? What do educators think young people want to see more of in their educational experience? What innovations are allowing space for youth to take the initiative?


Where and when is the Twitter Chat?

The #HundrEDChat is hosted with the help of our community and ambassadors on the HundrED Twitter Channel. We invite everyone to actively participate in this global discussion! 

Join the conversation on Monday, August 12, 2019, at 10:00 (UTC).

Questions for this month's chat have been received from our Youth Ambassadors from India, USA, Mexico, Spain and more.



HundrED Chats take place monthly on Twitter and we invite everyone to actively participate in the conversation! Contact our Head of Community, Pukhraj Ranjan, for more information:
