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19.9.2019 | Katija Aladin |

HundrED 2020 Academy Process Has Been Hugely Successful - Hear From Our Academy Members!

Take an insider look into the review process and find out what the 2020 HundrED Academy Members had to say!

The review process for the 2020 Global Collection has ended. The HundrED Academy provided 2008 reviews over all shortlisted innovations.  Needless to say, it was a very successful & rewarding process for everyone involved. 

As we get closer to the final selection for the 2020 Global Collection, we want to highlight the amazing HundrED Academy for their wonderful reviews!  We received 2008 reviews over all shortlisted innovations!  Thanks to their dedication, time & effort, we have a great global perspective and an array of expertise to inform each on innovation.  So thank you, thank you, thank you!

Here's what some of the HundrED Academy Members had to say:

"It was a real joy to read about so many innovative ideas within education and to fully appreciate the lengths to which people from across the globe are going so that they can help young people to achieve, aspire and grow as individuals."

-Patrick Carroll, England, Assistant Head

"I unexpectedly found that this was an inspirational process and saved the bookmarks of many of the groups I evaluated and will look for opportunities to work with later."

-Stephen Whitaker, México, Director of Technology

"I was delighted to have been a part of the academy and to be entrusted with this responsibility. It was an incredible learning experience for me as I looked at how people took challenges they witnessed and used their resources, both mental, emotional and the capacities they had to help learners resolve them. I was inspired by the innovations that took children beyond their spaces of comfort, and turned those opportunities into incredible learning and nurturing experiences."

-Elizabeth Lopez, Malaysia, Education Consultant

"It was an exceptional experience to review numerous innovations through HundrED. The quality of the innovations and learning about how people are helping one another to better serve and educate children provides a hopeful future. Children throughout the world are deprived of experiential learning, and many of the innovations provide opportunities they would not otherwise have. Thank you for the opportunity to learn by doing."

-Dr. Bille Rondinelli, USA, Grable Fellow

"Congratulations to all the HundrED Team for such an extraordinary worldwide process review: it really has a sense of international community of innovative education initiatives. The reviewing process is crisp, fun and highly inspiring. Is like being in a toy store for a kid but in terms of worldwide education innovations! Worldwide Inspiring education innovations at your fingertips! Thank you for letting us be part of this extraordinary process review and congrats for the great friendly reviewing experience!"

-Juan Manuel Pico, Colombia, Co-founder Education Soul

"It has been such an honor to be a part of this outstanding process where we all are striving to change and improve the current education system. We need to review and replace traditional approaches of teaching with a student centered approach. It is about embracing change and celebrating diversity. Thank you HundrED for providing us such a remarkable learning experience. Education is all about collaboration, communication, cultural exchanges, critical thinking etc. Let's take our classrooms from Brick to Click...All the best!"

-Rabia Saqib, Pakistan, Principal/CEO

"I was pleased and honored to get a first hand opportunity to learn about all the inspiring histories and all the great innovations in education happening around the world, thanks to HundrED now we can all implement and adapt to each of our countries and help Every Child to Flourish!!!"

-Lissette Rojas, Venezuela CEO and Co Founder of TrixandTrax

"It was eye opening for me to see what people are doing around the globe and how they are going about promoting their work. In some cases, it made me sad because the innovations in one country might be considered just basic programming in another. I loved seeing the commonalities of education around the globe. It's heartening to see the powerful work that others are engaged in and it gives me hope for our future as a planet of humans."

-Lisa Gottfried, USA, Digital Design Educator

"It's always amazing to see such wonderful innovations coming from different people around the world. Now this is changing the entire education system in the sense that we have people who are working to make education affordable & reachable to every student. The work is recognized and can be transformed into a revolution for our education."

-Sahil Siddique, India , Education Consultant

"Making the review forced me to study these exciting innovations and they really provided me with new insights. I realized that, it is important to arrange myself more time to keep up what's happening in the world of education innovation. HundrED is such a great place for that. The review also reminded me to update the description of my own innovation and how important it is."

-Kati Nevatalo, Finland, VP Pedagogy at Kasvan Education

"I had a great experience during the revision of the innovations, I was really surprised by the quality and the richness of the innovations. I was touched by the dedication of the innovators who gave their time, money, heart and kindness. proud to be a member of the academy and hundrED, it was an honor and a pleasure at once. thank you for giving me this opportunity to live these moments, to see this side of humanism in education and pedagogy"

-Anis Amouri,Tunisia ,Fine Art Teacher

"I was super confused but during our meeting, the members explained it so amazingly! I had so much reading about these world-changing innovations that I never knew even existed. It made me think of what’s good in the world. The creators want the field of education to cover all the land and I cant be more happy to witness!!!"

-Vrinda Gandhi, India, Youth Academy Member


Global Collection Release Date

The 2020 Global Collection will be launched at the HundrED Innovation Summit in Helsinki on November 6-8.  All selected innovators will be invited to attend the summit.  Both days will be streamed online for your viewing pleasure.  Stay tuned!  The HundrED research team is busy at work finalising the collection & we couldn't be more excited to share it with you!


Learn about our 2019 Global Collection here & our 2018 Global Collection here


