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31.5.2019 | Bryn Llewellyn |

Go, Go, Go… Tagtiv8 Active Learning Pioneers Physically Active Learning (PAL) Globally

Tagtiv8 has been recognized in HundrED’s 2019 and 2020 global collections, as one of the leading education innovations in the world. An innovation originating from the UK, Tagtiv8 have grown their impact with Physically Active Learning (PAL) approaches now being used in many UK schools, pioneering schools around the world as well as becoming education advisors for U.K bodies such as the BBC and the Premier League.

Tagtiv8 has been recognized in HundrED’s 2019 and 2020 global collections, as one of the leading education innovations in the world. An innovation originating from the UK, Tagtiv8’s Physically Active Learning (PAL) approaches are now used in many UK schools - as well as a handful of pioneering schools elsewhere in the world. Tagtiv8 was founded by a teacher and school leader who love learning but hate sitting down for long periods of time. They were frustrated that many schools in the UK were focussing only on English and Mathematics. These subjects were being taught in boxes and many educators know that this is not how we learn best.

Tagtiv8’s approaches and ideas help develop unique and innovative ways to combine English and Mathematics with Physical Activity. Tagtiv8 resources and training help teachers unlock the potential of the classroom, PE hall and outdoor environment for learning core subjects, while also developing levels of fitness in our children. Tagtiv8 promote physical activity – crucial when we all face the increasing problem of sedentary lifestyles. Initial research by Leeds Beckett University demonstrates Tagtiv8 PAL solutions tackle inactivity & obesity. Tagtiv8 games impact positively on academic performance. 


What does it mean for Tagtiv8 to be recognized as a leading education innovator in the HundrED 2020 Global Collection?

It’s rather clichéd to say this, but it’s true. We were genuinely blown away by the recognition from the HundrED community: “Who? Us? Really? Wow! Has somebody made a mistake?” Tagtiv8 has come a long way since its inception in 2012 but we sometimes question what we do. We left the security of teaching in the K12 sector full time in order to stick to our core values and develop our mission - to get more children more active more often. To be recognized as ‘one of a HundrED’ is a real honor and incredibly humbling, especially when you realize who the other 99 are!

What are your biggest takeaways from the HundrED Innovation Summit?

How many takeaways? There really were so many! Firstly, we were given the opportunity to visit a new city in a new country. Finland has ‘a certain reputation’ in the world of education. Many educators reference and revere the work and research of Pasi Sahlberg et al, whilst in the UK, certain government ministers refer to Finland as being ‘The F Word in Education’. We completely oppose the narrow curriculum and data-driven culture here in the UK - where many children have a sole diet of English and Mathematics. Naturally, we jumped at the chance to see for ourselves what was going on in Finland - especially when we were given the opportunity to work and play with students and teachers as part of Helsinki Education Week. Our reflections on HEW can be found here.

As to the HundrED Education Summit itself, it’s not every day that you get to meet such an eclectic mix of innovators and ambassadors from across the globe. The HundrED organizers really went out of their way to create and curate such an awesome event.

Listening to fellow innovators was inspirational - whether they were newly or already well-established. Discovering that other innovators were facing similar issues was reassuring on many levels. Opportunities to empathize and share common barriers and ways to overcome them are always welcome, especially when you are working in similar areas. ‘Big Thank Yous’ to TT Rock Stars, Challenge 59, Seppo, Trix & Trax & Talking Tree Hill for time to talk and think.

It was wonderful to see so many HundrED innovations helping spread messages about various global issues - helping students learn about the environment, through the environment, for the environment. It was serendipitous to meet Chris Williams from Chatta at the HundrED Innovation Summit - we both studied Environmental Studies at the same university, admittedly separated by a few years!

Last, but by no means least, what struck us was the power of youth. Jordy certainly set the tone of the conference and she was not alone. HundrED is not just about Student Voice - it’s about Student Action. It seems that HundrED is ahead of the curve in this respect, given the recent amount of media coverage to Extinction Rebellion and other Climate Crisis campaigners.

How has the HundrED Summit and global recognition helped progress the impact of Tagtiv8?

Despite the lack of meaningful investment in education in the UK, we have more schools than ever showing interest in our ‘move & learn’ approaches - whether through our unique resources, training packages and/or Activity Days. This year we were able to signpost 20 schools towards STEM grants so they could try our programs for free. Once they were able to see the games in situ with their own learners, they ‘got it!’ It’s so rewarding when teachers comment about seeing ‘unknown things’ about their children and their abilities simply by taking the learning outside the classroom - either in the hall or on the playground. Likewise, when they hear a child say, “I used to think I was rubbish at Maths, but now I know I’m not.” Tagtiv8 ‘move & learn’ approaches really engage even the most reluctant of learners and help children overcome fears of certain subjects.

There is more media coverage about Physically Active Learning than ever before - and being part of the HundrED Collection for 2019 has certainly increased our profile as PAL pioneers. Tagtiv8 now act as education advisors to the BBC and the Premier League.

As noted earlier, the emphasis on youth at the Summit provided us with a timely reminder about our own practice when working with schools. With this in mind, we now offer schools a platform that promotes leadership and coaching opportunities for their own learners.


So, what is next for Tagtiv8?

Tagtiv8 love to play - this is the way we learn best. We also embrace opportunities to collaborate with others - especially when they are friends and fellow HundrED innovators. With this in mind, we have joined forces with 2 awesome collectives to share our love of/for learning, For further information, check out:

Tagtiv8 & Times Tables Rock Stars Active Maths Days

Tagtiv8 & Night Zookeeper Creative Writing Days

As to global links, the more the better. Tagtiv8 would love to work and play with more children and teachers across the world. We have just completed an accredited ‘Tagtiv8 Train the Trainer’ program - meaning we can now create bespoke programs to empower teachers so they are confident and competent to deliver their own ‘move & learn’ sessions.

In terms of research, we are currently awaiting approval from a funding provider so that a university can look at thlonger-termrm impacts of our programs. As we know, the smiles and anecdotes are essential, but so is the data. Exciting times ahead.


What would you say to innovators who are looking to connect with Hundred? Why should they be part of the global community for change?

Go, Go, Go… Make time to connect with the HundrED community. For many innovators in education, time is often in short supply and you often question your capacity, fearing that you may experience mission drift. Within HundrED you will find like-minded souls who will both support you and provoke your thinking. You will get to mix with a wonderful blend of researchers and practitioners, individuals and organizations, all with one common goal - to bring about real change in education.

Do you want to find out more about ‘moving & learning’ in your setting?

If so, visit Tagtiv8 on the HundrED platform here or reach out:

Office: 020 3370 4272 or Mobile: 07506 523354

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